The news can come from a variety of sources, all working under different terms, but all doing the same thing. You will see them referred to as business news wire services, wire services, or even simply news agencies. Regardless of what they are called, they all provide a crucial and important service to their countries of origin, and to the world as a whole.
Some of these organizations are public or private corporations. Meaning they impart the news, but are always thinking about their company in terms of business. At the end of the day, the goal of the news corporation is to make a profit. I much prefer the news organization that is a not for profit wire service. Their entire purpose for running that organization is to impart the news in an honest and unfiltered manner. You cannot always trust a company that produces news for a profit, because they could be playing to a specific agenda, giving biased information to cater to a bigger consumer base.
You should be reading any and all AP press releases that come out. They will keep you informed in the most honest and pure way. The Associated Press has been around since 1845, and has always been a not for profit organization. Their unbiased delivery has been informing generations of newshounds, and will continue to do so. They are one of the biggest and oldest news sources in the world.
But, before you decide to settle for the AP and nothing else, explore your other options. Look into some of the international sources. Reading news from multiple reliable sources is one of the best ways to stay completely and utterly informed, because there may be times when you can get multiple angles on the same story, therefore getting a more clear and complete picture. If you care enough about news to go out of your way to read it, then chances are you care enough to do your homework. Find the best one for you, and you can stay informed all day, every day.