There’s a good chance you’ve heard straight teeth are essential. What do you know about the reasons? It’s not just that straightening your teeth improves the appearance of your smile, but it also helps your overall well-being. Let’s review a few potential health hazards that can be a result of being unable to have straight teeth.
Nearly 74% of Americans are crooked or misaligned in their teeth. Even though it doesn’t seem like much, crooked or misaligned teeth could increase your chance of developing periodontal diseases. It can also put unnecessary tension on your teeth, and on your jaws as you get older. Stress can cause to premature wear and tear on your teeth. This means that it is possible that you will require dental extractions, implantsor various other procedures earlier throughout your life than have straight teeth.
Teeth that aren’t straight can affect the health of your mouth. A crooked smile can negatively impact your health in other ways. A misaligned bite can stress your jaw. This could create chronic pain neglected. Additionally, loose or misaligned teeth can lead to the development of the growth of bacteria and ultimately bone loss.
Crooked teeth pose greater risks to health than you believe. If you straighten your teeth, it can be the key to living a longer, healthier life!